NEC Ultralite For Sale
Wed, 24 Jul 91 03:27:55 -0400

My finances being in a particularly non-excellent state of affairs
at the moment, I've decided to sell my NEC Ultralite in favor of paying my
bills. I cannot keep this system without spending more money on it, and I
simply cannot do that. This system is in complete working order as of now
(I am composing this message on my Ultralite using the modem).

Here's what I have:

o NEC Ultralite (model PC-17-02) with:
. 2 Mb silicon hard disk
. non-removable* rechargeable battery
o 3.5" 1.44 Mb floppy disk drive for PC-17-02
o floppy drive cable for PC-17-02
o AC adaptor for PC-17-02
o slim carrying case for PC-17-02 (for laptop only)
o fat carrying case for PC-17-02 (for laptop, drive, AC adaptor, etc.)
o Microsoft Works v1.0 on ROM card for PC-17-02 (with manual, disks)

Here's what I DON'T have:

o PC-17-02 user manuals (3), about $30.00 from NEC
o serial cable for PC-17-02, about $90.00 from NEC

I paid $750 for the system without the fat carrying case and
the Microsoft Works package this past spring. I will sell it for
$750 to anyone who is willing to pay for insured UPS shipping, too.
I will not break up this package unless I receive offers for every
single piece and furthermore receive money orders totalling at least
$750 plus insured shipping for them all. In other words, I'm not
breaking this package up. 8-)

If you're interested, send mail directly to

* This is apparently made removable with about $5 worth of effort and parts.
I believe it; the non-removable battery is attached with a plug, so you
probably don't even have to cut anything to do this. The removable
battery uses a pair of contacts instead; you just have to add the pair
of contacts inside the laptop. The information is in one of the articles
in the _Ultralite Connection_, but I don't have that article ...

Jared J. Brennan				"It's a bug!"
USENET:			"It's a feature!"
BITNET:	BRENNAN@JHUVMS				"It's a bug AND a feature!"