OmniGo communication for $1

Jan Sedlak (
Thu, 21 Mar 1996 21:07:50 +0100 (MET)

OmniGo 100 solutions for $1

Hi everybody,

here I am bringing the first best communication solution for
OmniGo 100 Palmtop.

Linking OmniGo to desktop PC using INTERLINK for DOS

1. What you need

* OmniGo 100
* PC with 1 free serial port
* HP F1015A communication cable (or similar type)
* omnicom.exe (distributed fro example with IZL shareware package)
* DOS files: intersvr.exe
* (25 to 9 pin reduction if your PC serial port is 25 pin)

I suggest that you create a directory on your PC
and that you put the following files into it:

(Let us call the directory C:\OMNI)


2. How to proceed

2.1. Connect OmniGo with PC using the HP cable
Start Transfer aplication on OmniGo.
Select the PC (F1)
Select Connect

Start the omnicom.exe on PC.
Enter number of port on which OG is connected.
Enter 9600 for baud speed.
Omnicom will diplay an "Omnicom>" prompt

2.2. Do following commands:

sd .. (up one directory level)
ls (you now can see the listing of B:\ directory
with autoexec.bat file)
get autoexec.bat (this will upload the autoexec.bat
onto your PC)
quit (end of communication)

2.3. Edit the autoexec.bat file you got from OG 100.
Add following line before the last "geos" line:

b:\intersvr b: /com:1 /baud:19200

The end of the autoexec.bat will look this way:

cd \
cd geoworks
b:\intersvr b: /com:1 /baud:19200

2.4. Downloading the files to OG 100

Be sure that the file "intersvr.exe" and the modified
"autoexec.bat" are in the same directory (C:\omni) on your PC

Start the communication as described in 2.1.

Do following commands:

sd .. (up one level)
ls (to see the files)
rf autoexec.bat (remove the old autoexec.bat file)
put autoexec.bat (download the new autoexec.bat file)
put intersvr.exe (download the intersvr.exe file)
ls (to see if the files got there)

2.5. Modifying your PC CONFIG.SYS

If you have C:\DOS directory with interlnk.exe file
than add following line into your PC CONFIG.SYS:

device= c:\dos\interlnk.exe /drives:1 /com:2 /baud:9600

* if you use different com port, modify the /com: parameter
according to the port number you are using

if you have interlnk.exe somewhere else (e.g. C:\omni) you
must specify the correct path:

device= c:\omni\interlnk.exe /drives:1 /com:2 /baud:9600
^^^^------------- the path

3. Starting the link

3.1. Be sure that your OmniGo and PC are connected via the serial

3.2. Reboot your PC (reset button) (after you quitt all running software)

During the booting your PC should write following message:

Microsoft Interlnk version x.xx

Connection NOT established
Drive letters redirected:
Printer .................

This will add one more drive letter on your PC.

3.3. Reboot your OmniGo: SHIFT+ON+NEXT

After a while the HP Logo will become a bit spoilt
by ".-" dots and lines.

This means your OmniGo is ready to communicate with PC.

4. Using the connection

On your PC OmniGo will apprear just as another drive. You can copy
move, read and write as if it were your HDD.

5. Closing the connection on OmniGo

Simply press ALT+F4 to end the connection on OmniGo. The booting
will continue and you GEOS will appear.

On PC there is no need to finish the connection. (The new drive
will just be unactive)

6. Restaring the connection

On OmniGo you will only reboot via SHIFT+ON+NEXT.

7. Closing notes

I have been trying to link OG to PC in the opposite way (PC server,
OG client). I was able to add F: drive on OmniGo, but I did not
make any transfer. I assume the reason is that GEOS shuts down
the serial interface and the interlnk.exe cannot get through.

I suggest that someone write a short GEOS application that will
sustain the COM1 port running, so that we can add our desktop hard-disks
to OmniGo's.

8. Further plans

This is the first idea that is bright enough to be put into public.
I hope OG users will like this cheap and flexible solution.

If you wish to support my Omnigo activities I would like you to send me
a voluntary donation. You can send it either using Postal Cheque,
Bank Cheque or bank transfer.

Jan Sedlak
Sarajevska 29
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic

tel/fax: +42 2 691 11 63

bank: CS Sporitelna
Jugoslavska 19
Praha 2, Czech Republic

owner of the account: Jan Sedlak

account no: 770252-028/0800
bank no: 0800

-end of document-