Michael Crestohl (
Mon, 31 Jul 1995 07:59:57 -0400
I heard DAK is but a memory! They dumped a lot of their UL stuff in the
Winter of 1994. I was out there in January and went to their place out
in Canoga Park. Bought WORKS, 123, WP and AGENDA/METRO cheap. They
offered to ship the stuff home for me at no extra charge (thus saving me
having to carry it) which struck me as very unusual given their rip-fff
per-item shipping charge policy in the catalog.
Perhaps their facility and inventory was damaged in the earthquake that
followed my visit to DAC. After all, how do you start an earthquake???
Yes I was still in LA early that Monday morning when I was rudely awakened
at 5:30AM, but that's another story!!!